welcome to Bohemian Wicks

It all started in the summer of 2020 and the world was struggling with a new normal.

We had a vision to spread as much love as possible, by simply making candles and self care products, and sharing them with anyone who needed some comfort, and to hopefully make them smile.

We opened our first retail store in September of 2020, in the Melrose district of Phoenix, Arizona.

We believe in testing on humans and not animals, so we engaged with our locals and really got to know what they loved and really listened to how we could improve.

During the past year, we honed and perfected our skills, and are proud to make what we believe are truly high-quality candles, soaps, bath bombs and shower steamers.

We decided to add healing crystals into much of our product line to raise their feel-good vibration, and also because they are just plain cool.

We believe our artisans invest a small piece of the love and passion they have for their craft, into everything they make. In turn the receiver gets to experience that love and the ultimate craftsmanship and quality it brings.

We hope you enjoy using our products as much as we enjoy making them!

What is more satisfying than a long steamy shower or a candle lit bath to make you feel good and ready to take on the world?

Enjoy our online store, and if you are ever in Phoenix, Arizona come say Hello!

Bohemian Wicks

4628 N 7th Ave

Phoenix, Arizona 85013

